Abeka Strong and True Reader 1.9


Gently used Reader from Abeka’s renowned language arts program balances the learning of language with the development of language skill

Strong and True contains stories of justice, ingenuity, kindness and other virtuous character traits. The short stories and poems feature biblical, historical and fictional characters. This book introduces children to suffixes such as -ure and -ough and provides practice recognizing and applying phonetic sounds. "Did you Know?" and "Read and Think" exercises, along with word banks, are integrated throughout.

This is Abeka reader 1G in the grade 1 reader series. 126 pages, softcover

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Gently used Reader from Abeka’s renowned language arts program balances the learning of language with the development of language skill

Strong and True contains stories of justice, ingenuity, kindness and other virtuous character traits. The short stories and poems feature biblical, historical and fictional characters. This book introduces children to suffixes such as -ure and -ough and provides practice recognizing and applying phonetic sounds. "Did you Know?" and "Read and Think" exercises, along with word banks, are integrated throughout.

This is Abeka reader 1G in the grade 1 reader series. 126 pages, softcover

Gently used Reader from Abeka’s renowned language arts program balances the learning of language with the development of language skill

Strong and True contains stories of justice, ingenuity, kindness and other virtuous character traits. The short stories and poems feature biblical, historical and fictional characters. This book introduces children to suffixes such as -ure and -ough and provides practice recognizing and applying phonetic sounds. "Did you Know?" and "Read and Think" exercises, along with word banks, are integrated throughout.

This is Abeka reader 1G in the grade 1 reader series. 126 pages, softcover

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