Attitudes and Homeschool
Raquel Herrera Raquel Herrera

Attitudes and Homeschool

I was recently asked how do I handle teaching my children during our homeschool days when the children have “bad” attitudes. I admit, attitudes can most definitely cause us moms to be discouraged, and feel like we are failing our children.

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 Do I Need a Teaching Degree To Homeschool?
Raquel Herrera Raquel Herrera

Do I Need a Teaching Degree To Homeschool?

As you embark on this exciting journey, one common question that may arise is: do I need a teaching degree to homeschool my children? The short answer is no, you do not need a teaching degree to homeschool

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Embracing Freedom: Homeschooling as an Unschooler
Raquel Herrera Raquel Herrera

Embracing Freedom: Homeschooling as an Unschooler

Perhaps the most remarkable outcome of unschooling is the profound love for learning it instills in children. When education becomes synonymous with joy, curiosity, and self-discovery, children develop a genuine thirst for knowledge that persists long after their formal schooling years.

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Embracing God's Call to Homeschool: Overcoming Feelings of Inadequacy
Raquel Herrera Raquel Herrera

Embracing God's Call to Homeschool: Overcoming Feelings of Inadequacy

In Jeremiah 1:5, the Lord says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." While this verse specifically refers to Jeremiah, it holds a universal truth. It reminds us that God has a purpose for each one of us, including homeschooling our children. God has entrusted us with the education and upbringing of our precious little ones.

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Homeschool on a Budget
Raquel Herrera Raquel Herrera

Homeschool on a Budget

Discover innovative ways to transform everyday experiences into valuable learning moments. From utilizing free online resources to making educational games from household items, we provide practical tips that make homeschooling affordable, engaging, and enriching. Our community of like-minded parents and educators share insights, swap ideas, and support each other, creating a vibrant network where frugality meets educational excellence

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Why Homeschool?
Raquel Herrera Raquel Herrera

Why Homeschool?

Why should any one homeschool when we have a public school system?

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