Attitudes and Homeschool

I was recently asked how do I handle teaching my children during our homeschool days when the children have “bad” attitudes. I admit, attitudes can most definitely cause us moms to be discouraged, and feel like we are failing our children.  I often find myself contemplating if public school is best for them, besides, I am not qualified to teach my own children! But are we? We have to remember that Yahweh has called us to disciple our children and homeschooling is an integral part of that mission. This IS our ministry dear momma, do not allow the enemy to discourage you. Ephesians 6 speaks about the war we are in, and in most definitely involves our homeschool.

Fill your cup with the promises of Adoni, hold firm to his truths. This can ONLY be done by filling yourself daily in the word. Just as we reach for that daily cup of coffee (for me its Lotus Energy) to get us going in the morning, we NEED to bathe in GODS word daily. We can not pour from an empty cup.

The most important thing we can ever do as mothers, is to disciple our children and direct their feet unto the path of the Most High El-Elyon. If we get anything right in life, it is to sow seed into our babies lives. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Sow that seed and allow God to water it. Our children are his after all, am I correct?

On another note, sometimes it helps to take a break from our daily homeschool lives. Take this time to pray and seek Gods wisdom in what you should do, how you should handle things, ask for discernment in how to discipline, when to give grace and so forth.

Grow in Grace sweet sister in Christ, You are not alone. We are in this together.


Are you teaching from an empty cup?