Are you teaching from an empty cup?

Teaching from an Empty Cup: A Homeschooler's Guide

As homeschoolers, it's crucial to approach our role with grace and understanding, just as the Lord Jesus Christ offers us grace. Prioritizing our relationship with God is essential, in fact, its critical! It is through Him alone, that we find renewal and strength.
When we feel empty, it IS because we have neglected our daily connection with the Word of God. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, we can renew our spirits and find the strength to pour into our children's lives and disciple them as the Lord has called us to do.
I understand that as a mother and especially as a homeschooling mom, finding time to read the Word daily can be challenging. However, making it a daily habit can lead to a deepening love for and dependency on this time with God. It's important to remember that the time you spend in the Word is a valuable investment in your relationship with Yaweah, and your role as a mother and educator, and so much more.
God's Word serves as our manual for life and motherhood, and our rolls as wives and other things HE has called us to. As you develop a consistent habit of daily Scripture reading, you will find that it not only becomes easier, but also something you eagerly anticipate each day.
Remember, by filling your own cup, you equip yourself to pour into your children's lives according to the Lord's instruction. Prioritize your relationship with God, and you will find the strength and guidance you need to navigate the homeschooling journey with grace and purpose. Don’t allow the dishes in the sink or the laundry being washed for 3rd time discourage you sweet momma, he sees you, and he is calling you into a deeper relationship with him. I promise you, as you dig deeper in the word, your time will be supernaturally multiplied, he will give you what you need for today.

Some resources I would love to recommend that helped me in my walk with god and as a mother will be linked below. These are not affiliate links. With exception of a few referral links to bible studies.

How I managed to grow in the word and make it a daily habit, I did the bible in year with Tara Leigh Cobble from Bible Recap

Listening on our free library audio and buying to boo M is for Mama by Abbie Halberstadt, this book drastically changed my perspective on ALL things Motherhood. I highly encourage you to read it.

Once you start shifting your time and perspective, I encourage you to do a bible study, I absolutely LOVE bible studies from Well Watered Women. I recommend the Flourish bible study to start with, Use the link and save $5.00

The KIDS! Lets not forget them as they too need to fill their cups, I recommend Not Consumed bible studies (although I love all their products.) They are great for the whole family.


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